Monday, August 24, 2020
Sylvia Plaths The Elm Speaks Essays
Sylvia Plaths The Elm Speaks Dutch elm malady is one of the most annihilating shade tree maladies the earth has ever observed. It is a wither malady with an very high casualty rate. The ailment is described by progressive yellowing of the leaves and defoliation. This is caused be an organism which is transmitted from unhealthy trees to solid trees by bugs known as bark insects. In the 1962 villanelle The Elm Speaks confessionalist Sylvia Plath looks at her discouraged enthusiastic state with Dutch elm ailment, which murdered a large number of Elm trees the world over. In the fourteen refrain sonnet composed just a single year before her self destruction, a severe Plath shouts out with torment. The subject of gloom begins from the loss of affection in her union with Ted Hughes. The sonnet is amazingly wealthy in figurative language from start to finish. From various perspectives the sonnet is intended to fit the meaning of a villanelle. The Elm Speaks is a free refrain sonnet with disorganized meter. While living in London, Sylvia Plath had a monstrous elm tree before he house that turned into the subject of this sonnet. In the primary refrain, she specifies her extraordinary tap root, which is the bottom of the elms roots. This line represents that she has arrived at the base of her downturn. She depicts her gloom further in refrain two as an ocean of disappointments, or on the other hand the voice of nothing meaning it is seething within her. Simultaneously she has a vacant inclination which is driving her distraught. A while later, in refrain three, she looks at adoration to a shadow, a dim impression of somebody which isn't genuine and can not be contacted. Till your head is a stone, you cushion a little turf makes the picture of a grave stone in verse four. The sounds of toxic substances in refrain five alludes to what Hughes, her better half, has done to her and how it consumes within her murdering her like arsenic. In verse six she communicates that she has experienced a great deal, yet she has consistently traversed it. In refrain seven, in any case, she concedes that she has separated and can not and will not take her torment any longer. Next, in refrain eight she portrays the moon, which is ordinarily quieting, as savage, implying that indeed, even the couple of things in life she utilized appreciate are currently driving her crazy. So also, in verse nine, she discusses dreams and how they have and enrich her. At the end of the day she feels as though she is caught inside a continuous bad dream. In the tenth verse she admits that she is holding everything in and that daily it folds out which implies she weeps late into the night. She is panicked of her downturn and its impacts on her, which she concedes in verse eleven. Next, in verse twelve she depicts the appearances of adoration as pale hopeless saying that one can never discover love, it is far off. For the second time in the sonnet, in refrain thirteen, she concedes that she can not take the torment she is enduring any longer. At last in the last refrain, she utilizes sexual symbolism that generally expresses, the way that they got together has slaughtered her. The later long stretches of Plaths life, when she composed The Elm Talks, were awful. She experienced countless dysfunctional behaviors, including being bipolar or hyper burdensome. Her states of mind were continually here and there, one moment cheerful the following dismal. Only one year before she composed this sonnet she endured during her time unnatural birth cycle, which was in the blink of an eye followed by an appendectomy. Through the entirety of this her better half Ted Hughes manhandled her both intellectually and truly, driving her more profound into her wretchedness. During these troublesome years she composed Ariel, a volume of verse predominantly concerning subjects, for example, injury, exploitation, parasitism, estrangement, fierceness, war, savagery, demise in all structures, torment, murder, self destruction, mental sickness, and outrage. Just a single week after Ariel was finished she violently ended it all by placing her head in the broiler after making her kids breakfast on the morning of February eleventh, 1963. In her verse clearly self destruction was something she had been thinking about for quite a while, turning into an fixation or even a habit. All through The Elm Speaks Plath creates an essential them of sadness. She introduces herself just like the casualty of a frightful love relationship that has destroyed her. She utilizes numerous various strategies to help make her subject. The first, and generally self-evident, is her assertion decision. She utilizes words, for example, dread, frenzy, harms, arsenic,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gun Control vs Gun Rights free essay sample
Pick a case of a kind of new organization you could begin, and afterward utilize this organization thought to respond to the inquiries beneath. You may pick a pet store, a café, a mentoring business, or something different. This can be a similar sort of organization you picked in task 8 or 9, or it very well may be extraordinary. a. Depict the kind of business you picked. (1-2 sentences. 0. 5 focuses) b. Depict at any rate two manners by which the nearby, state, or government would affect your business. 2-4 sentences. 1. 0 focuses) 2. Depict in any event one bit of leeway and one detriment of value roofs and value floors. Do you think value roofs and floors are increasingly useful or progressively hurtful to buyers and the economy? Clarify. (2-4 sentences. 1. 0 focuses) 3. Depict in any event two negative results of having too minimal expenditure and credit in the economy. We will compose a custom paper test on Weapon Control versus Gun Rights or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page (2-4 sentences. 2. 0 focuses) 4. Depict in any event two negative results of having a lot of cash and credit in the economy. 2-4 sentences. 2. 0 focuses) 5. Which Fed apparatus do you believe is generally significant, and why? (2-4 sentences. 1. 0 focuses) 6. Pick one of the accompanying government organizations or laws: Search online to study the office or law, and afterward portray three explicit things the law or office achieves. Ensure the data originates from a dependable site. Remember a connect to the site for your answer. (3-6 sentences. . 5 focuses) 7. Portray at any rate two items that are normally brought into the United States. (1-2 sentences. 0. 5 focuses) 8. Depict in any event two items that are regularly sent out from the United States to different nations. (1-2 sentences. 0. 5 focuses) 9. For what reason does the U. S. government energize U. S. organizations to sell their items in different nations? Clarify how this helps the U. S. (2-4 sentences. 2. 0 focuses) 10. Discover the estimation of one U. S. dollar in a remote money.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Hire the Best Developer With These 15 .NET Interview Questions
Hire the Best Developer With These 15 .NET Interview Questions .Net is a Microsoft software framework that offers a platform for developers to make applications, interfaces, and online software.A .Net developer is a professional who uses this framework to tailor, develop and design software application to meet the needs of a business.The developer evaluates and determines the prerequisites for the application(s), which will often be industry-specific and is also responsible continuous development and support.Since the initial release of the .Net framework seventeen years ago, it has risen to become the top framework for windows servers both on the cloud and local networks, which explains why there is an increase in demand for .Net developers.The daily duties of a .Net developer include the execution and development of software applications, developing technical interfaces, developing and testing software prototypes, configuring, upgrading and debugging existing systems, offering technical support, and so on..Net developers are normally employed in telecommunications companies, information technology agencies as well as in-house developers for companies in a wide array of industries.Some of the skills needed for a .Net developer include â€" familiarity with system design and code structures, experience with .Net languages, .Net stack and libraries, JavaScript, HTML, and databases.A .Net developer falls in the broader category of careers in computer programming and will typically have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, cybernetics or management information systems, though it is not rare to find competent candidates who are self-taught.Many HR managers have indicated that having certifications in database and software development can be a huge advantage for job seekers, experience in .Net development as well as acquisition of one or more of Microsoft’s .Net certifications such as the Certified Professional Developer.Considering the important role played by a .NET developer, you want to make sur e that you are hiring the best person for the job.Hiring the wrong person can easily lead to mistakes that might be very costly and time consuming for your organization to fix.During a job interview, you only have a limited window of time to evaluate a candidate and determine whether they are the right person for the job.The key to ensuring that you identify the best possible candidate from a group of applicants within such a short time frame is to ask the right questions.Problem is, which are the right questions for evaluating a developer’s proficiency with the .NET framework?Most employers are not developers themselves, so they find it challenging to come up with the right questions to ask interviews during the interviewIf you are about to hire a .NET developer but are wondering what questions you should ask in order to identify the best candidate, we have compiled for you a list of the top 15 .Net interview questions to make sure you hire the best developer, as well as explanat ions on what you should expect great candidates to talk about when answering the questions.1. WHAT IS THE .NET FRAMEWORK AND WHAT ARE ITS COMPONENTS? This question examines whether the candidate is familiar with the .Net framework, what it does, and its components.You also have the option of asking this question in two separate parts, that is ‘what is a .Net framework?’ and ‘what are its components?The candidate should describe the .Net framework as a platform that is used to build a wide array of windows applications.The framework has an inbuilt list of functions which appear in the form of library, class, and APIs, which are utilized in building, deploying and running of applications and different web services.The platform supports various languages such as VB.Net, C#, Perl, and Cobol among others.The components of .Net include .Net Class library, .Net framework profiling, application domain, and common language run-time among others.The most critical components of .Net fram eworks are a common language runtime (CLR) and a class library.CLR offers the basic blocks for various applications while Class Library comprises class sets that access the common functionality. This functionality is usually distributed within different applications.2. WHAT IS OOP AND ITS RELATION TO THE .NET FRAMEWORK?A key feature of the .Net framework is that it supports the Object-oriented programming which is popularly known as the OOP.By asking this question in an interview, your aims to find out if the developer understands the relationship between the .Net framework and OOP.A good way that an interviewee might answer this question is by first mentioning that.Net framework supports core languages of OOP which include C++, C#, and Visual Basic.Net. The platform also supports functional programming through F#.OOP is critical to .Net because it allows developers to make classes which contain properties, events, methods, i.e., logical modules.Another function of OOP is enabling d evelopers to design modular programs which can later be assembled as applications.There are four basic features of OOP which are; inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, and polymorphism.3. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN OBJECT AND A CLASS? (AND HOW DO THEY RELATE WITH EACH OTHER)You can think of class as the template or a building block for object oriented programming.You can also think of class as a blueprint for the creation of an object.An object, on the other hand, is a class that has been instantiated.It is not enough for you to ask interviewees to distinguish between an object and a class simply; the relationship between the two must be established.The relationship between the two is that class describes the properties and states common to various objects.4. WHAT IS A DELEGATE IN .NET?Employers will ask this question to test the candidate’s knowledge of basic and frequently used terms in the profession. A delegate is a type that is used to encapsulate a method to a refe rence and vice versa.The process then progresses with the passing of the delegate objects to code which consequently calls the method depending on the signature.This means that the developer does not have to be aware of the invoked method at the time of compilation.A delegate usually contains references to multiple and single methods. Delegates can be thought of having a similar function to the C++ pointers and have the benefit of type-safety.5. WHAT IS ENCAPSULATION?This question might come before or after the delegates question and serves a similar function â€" to know if the developer is familiar with basic and frequently used professional terms.Encapsulation is a basic feature of object-oriented programming.The term refers to the addition of data and method objects to a program to enable the functioning of the object.A critical thing for interviewees to mention is that the process enables the shielding data from unwarranted access. It binds data and code within an object. This i s the basic unit of any system.In basic terms, encapsulation can be thought of as ‘concealing,’ ‘hiding,’ ‘camouflaging’ an object’s state as protected or private.The inner workings of the objected are secluded from the other parts of the application. In this way, the object is hidden from another object which could alter the behavior or state of the primary object.6. EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MANAGED AND UNMANAGED CODESuch a .Net interview question allows the candidates to show their comprehension of Common Language Runtime, which I will define in the next question. Common language runtime or CLR is a critical component of the .Net framework.When compiled, code written in either Visual Basic.NET or C# will run on the CLR.The CLR will then provide functionalities such as memory management, exceptions handling, type checking, and garbage collection for the code.Since managed code runs within the CLR instead of the operating system, it can be used on any platform, r egardless of the operating system being used on that platform.Unlike managed code, unmanaged code runs directly on the machine code and automatically executed by the operating system. This means that it cannot be run on just any operating system.It has to be specifically built for a particular operating system. Unmanaged code is usually a product of writing code using languages such as C or C++.7. WHAT IS COMMON LANGUAGE RUNTIME (CLR)This is another question asked to test the candidate’s knowledge of basic and frequently used terms in the profession, as well as their familiarity with various components of the .NET framework.CLR stands for Common Language Runtime and is a run-time environment which forms a critical part of the .Net framework.It offers the building blocks for various applications. Its individual compiler compiles an application that uses C# and then changes to an intermediate language.The CLR also performs different functions, including security checks, memory manag ement, thread management, and so on. The CLR also offers a safe environment for application execution.8. WHAT IS GARBAGE COLLECTION AND WHAT ARE ITS BASIC GENERATIONS?Garbage collection is a functionality that is provided by the CLR. It is a low-level service that plays a critical role in managing (allocating and releasing) memory for your software.When one creates an object in the software, the CLR offers the memory for the object in the Managed Heap.The Managed Heap is an area in memory in which objects are managed and stored. The CLR will always allocate space for new objects provided there is some available memory space within the managed Heap.When all the memory space in the managed Heap has been used up, the garbage collector steps in to free up some additional memory by checking and deleting any objects that are no longer being accessed by the application.The benefits of Garbage collection include:Memory management for objectsAutomatic reclamation of the object’s memory not in use and or marked for deleting.The objects within the managed Heap normally get differentiated into three parts called generations. There are three basic sections or generations:Generation 0 â€" This is the first generation in the managed heap used for managing and storing short-lived objects. When the memory is reclaimed, it normally goes by default to generation 0. The ones that remain or survive are then allocated to Generation 1.Generation 1 â€" In this generation, you will find the survived objects from Generation 0 as well as short-lived objects. Those that remain in this section after garbage collection are moved to generation 2.Generation 2 â€" This section contains long-lived objects which remain from the predeceasing generations and are used in the running process.The garbage collection process identifies the unused memory in the first generation which can provide space for the new object.The objects are usually made in contagious memory. If adequate memory is found, t he search for dead object is stopped, and the allocation process becomes faster.When the memory is not sufficient, the memory for the objects is reclaimed from those objects that have not been utilized in a long time.The first step of execution is the seeking of live objects. The objects addresses are then updated. The memory of the dead objects is reclaimed, and the objects are pushed to the proceeding generation.9. WHAT ARE 3 COMMON ACRONYMS USED IN .NET AND WHAT DO THEY MEAN?So long as the candidate understands the basics of .Net operations, they will have an easy time answering this one.This question allows candidates flexibility in picking the terms with which they are most familiar.In addition, because this question will come much later in the interview, it can give the candidate a chance to get composure after the marathon they must have just participated in.Some of the most frequently three acronyms used in .Net are CLI, CIL and IL. Below are the meanings for these acronyms: IL: This acronym stands for Intermediate Language. This is an OOP language that is used to compile in the .Net framework as a mid-step during the translation of a program into machine code.CIL: This stands for Common Intermediate Language which was formerly referred to as Microsoft Intermediate Language or MSIL. This is a programming language which elicits the least level language that human beings can read.CLI: This refers to common Language Infrastructure, which is a compiled code library created as an open specification used for versioning, deployment and security uses.Some other acronyms that are frequently used within the .NET framework environment includeJIT: Just in TimeOOP: Object-oriented programmingCLR: Common Language RuntimeLINQ: Language Integrated Quarterly etc.10. WHAT IS ASP.NET MVC?ASP is an acronym that stands for Active Server pages, which is a component of .Net technologies that also consists of CLR.An open source web framework, it enables developers to create ro bust web applications, websites and web services.In ASP, statement management refers to the sustaining of the object state. In this context, object means web control/page. In ASP.Net, there are two kinds of state management â€" server side and client side.On the client side, the information is stored in the page systems, which are simple and reusable objects.On the server side, the data is stored on the server as it’s easier to manage it on the server instead of client reservation.11. WHEN SHOULD ONE USE .NET WEB FORMS AS OPPOSED TO ASP.NET MVC?In the past, the .Net framework was built on web forms.This effort was meant to build web services using the existing Microsoft Visual tools without the need for developers to know new languages of scripting.Developers still use some web forms to build simple and quick applications while others are still run as web forms. For contemporary developers, however, the ASP.NET MVC has become the standard.In the interview, the interview panel shou ld look for a candidate who is able to state and even discuss some of the benefits of the Model-View-Controller pattern.The most critical feature in the MVS is enabling of the breakdown of application into discrete models, controllers and views, which make easier for testing in the development phase.12. WHAT IS JSON DATA AND HOW DO DEVELOPERS USE JSON?JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and it allows developers to store and organize information in a way that provides ease in readability and access.The tool is crucial for developers as it enables them to manipulate feeds from other sites which results in faster and easier loading compared to SML or RSS feeds.JSON enables developers to define the classes to arrays and objects found on JSON text. Other uses of JSON in .net development include serializing value types into JSON text.13. WHAT IS CAS?CAS means Code Access Security. The .Net framework offers a security model that intercepts unauthorized access to platforms.CAS is a component of this security model and is found within the CLR. It allows users to establish permissions for the code at a granular level.Consequently, the CLR administers the code relying on the permissions available. CAS is only applied to managed code, while unmanaged code performs without it.When CAS is applied to assemblies, the assembly can be viewed as partially trusted.Nevertheless, there is a need for assembly checks when a resource is accessed.The components of CAS include:Code Group: Codes are categorized depending on the evidence. Each category of codes possesses particular conditions attached. The conditions that match the assembly are grouped.Permissions: There are specific actions that can be executed by a specific code group. When CLR loads an assembly, the codes are matched to code groups, and CLR specifies the actions for the assembly. Some of these permissions include Everything, Execution, The Internet, and Full Trust, among others.Evidence: CLR and CAS rely on the assembly evidence in order to decide which permissions to give. The assessment of the assembly offers features about the nooks of the evidence. Some of this evidence includes compose, URL, Zone, Site, Application, Publisher and Hash Value directory.14. DEFINE LINQ, DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN IMMEDIATE EXECUTION AND DEFERRED EXECUTIONThe term LINQ refers to Language Integrated Query, which is a programming framework that enables developers to manipulate information through a brief but expressive syntax.The process involves the installation of Microsoft languages which can make formal queries. LINQ is a constitute of C# and can be imported into other languages as a library.In LINQ, there are deferred execution as well as immediate execution. Deferred execution refers to when a query has not been performed at the time it was initially required to.The query is assigned to a variable and is stored waiting for execution when the variable is recapitulated. Immediate execution can be enforced for example if the database is frequently updated.15. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TERMS ‘BOXING’ AND ‘UNBOXING.’In this question, interviewers are interested in the knowledge of different working terms. They want to know if the interviewee is conversant with such terms and can differentiate them in working.Boxing is the process of changing a value object into a type object while unboxing is the process of extricating a value type from the object.Boxing can be thought of as implicit while unboxing, explicit.WRAPPING UPDuring any interview, you as an employer should be aiming at getting the most qualified .Net developer.Moreover, you want one who is a perfect fit for your organization and whose loyalty and organizational commitment is not in question.Therefore, you might need to review these questions to come up with a list that will satisfy your organizational needs.A prudent way to do this would be to refer to another normal interview manual and add some items to t his one so as to come up with a comprehensive one to use in the next interview you will have.Employers and hiring managers are advised to review their interview questions periodically so that they can create questions that are in tandem with the current trends in their fields.Remember that your .Net developer is also an employee of your firm and must also abide by the other terms and conditions that your regular employees do.It might not be possible to go through all the topics surrounding the .Net during the constraints of an interview because the framework is vast and comprises a lot of executions and performance activities, but these 15 .Net developer interview questions will help you find a suitable candidate who is well versed with the framework.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
What is a Boarding School
Do you have questions about boarding schools? We have answers. Were tackling some of the most common boarding school FAQs and introducing you to this unique and often highly beneficial type of academic institution. What Is a Boarding School? In the most basic terms, a boarding school is a residential private school. The students actually live on campus in dormitories or resident houses with adults from the school (dorm parents, as they are typically called). The dormitories are supervised by these members of the schools staff, who are usually teachers or coaches, in addition to being dorm parents. Students at a boarding school take their meals in a dining hall. Room and board are included in a boarding school tuition. What Is Boarding School Like? As a rule, boarding school students follow a highly structured day in which classes, meals, athletics, study times, activities and free time are predetermined for them. Residence life is a unique component of the boarding school experience. Being away from home and learning to cope gives a child confidence and independence. In America, most boarding schools serve students in grades nine through twelve, the high school years. Some schools will even offer eighth grade or middle school years; these schools are typically referred to as junior boarding schools. Grades are sometimes called forms in many older, traditional boarding schools. Hence the terms Form I, Form II, etc. Students in Form 5 are known as Fifth Formers and so on. A little history lesson for you ... British boarding schools are the main inspiration and framework for the American boarding school system. The British boarding school tends to accept students at a much younger age than an American boarding school. It runs from primary grades through high school, whereas the American boarding school typically begins at 10th grade. Boarding schools offer an inclusive approach to education. Students learn, live, exercise and play together in a communal setting under adult supervision. Boarding school is a great schooling solution for many children. Explore the pros and cons carefully. Then make a considered decision. What Are the Benefits of Boarding School? I like the fact that a boarding school offers everything in one neat package: the academics, the athletics, the social life, and the 24/7 supervision. Thats a huge plus for busy parents, and boarding school is a great way to prepare students for the rigors and independence of college life. At a boarding school, parents wont have to worry as much about what your little darlings are getting into when you are not around. Best of all, your child will have very little time to be bored. Prepare for College Boarding school provides a stepping stone experience for college, by introducing students to life away from home, but in a more supportive environment than they might find at college. Dorm parents play a large role in student lives, reinforcing good behaviors and helping students develop life skills, like time management, work, and life balance, and staying healthy. An increase in independence and confidence are often reported in students who attend boarding school. Be Part of a Diverse and Global Community Students get a taste of world cultures at many boarding schools, thanks in large part to most boarding schools offering comprehensive international student populations. Where else are you going to live and learn with students from across the world? Learning how to speak a second language, understanding cultural differences, and getting new perspectives on global issues is a huge benefit to boarding school. Try Everything Getting involved in everything is another perk of boarding school. When you live at school, a whole world of opportunities ​is available. You can get involved in activities all week long, even at night, which means you have more time to try new things. More Individual Attention You even have greater access to teachers at boarding school. Since you literally live within walking distance of their apartments and houses, getting extra help can happen before school, in the dining hall during meals, and even at night during evening study hall. Gain Independence Boarding school is a great way for students to learn how to live alone, but do it in a supportive environment. They still have to adhere to strict schedules and rules for living, but in an environment where its the students responsibility to stay on top of everything. When a student falters, and most will at some point, the school is there to help correct and move forward with better decisions in the future. Improve Parent/Child Relationship Some parents even find that their relationships with their children improve, thanks to boarding school. Now, the parent becomes a confidant and an ally. The school, or rather the dorm parents, become the authority figures who ensure that homework is done, rooms are clean, and students go to bed on time. Discipline primarily falls to the school, too, holding students accountable for their actions. If your room isnt clean, what happens at home? A parent cant give detention for that, but a school can. That means, parents get to be the shoulder to cry on and ear to bend when a child complains about the unfairness of rules, meaning you dont have to be the bad guy all the time! Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Symptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder - 1953 Words
Bipolar disorder (BP) is a debilitating mental illness that is found in 2% of the population and that onsets in late adolescence and early adulthood (Fabbri et al., 2014). The causes and treatment of BP are not known however there are many biological and cognitive theories (Myers, 2013). The types of treatment include various medications and types of therapy such as cognitive behavior therapy (Abrams, 2004). The very important question that needs to be asked is whether cognitive behavior therapy is a more effective treatment for bipolar disorder than multiple types of medications. Bipolar disorder is characterized by the polar shift in mood from mania to depression in a set amount of time which can range from hours to months (Fabbri et†¦show more content†¦CBT is used to prevent relapse along with improving the entire course of the disease for the patients (Myers, 2013). The aim of CBT is to alter the way a person thinks as well as acts (Myers, 2013). A great way to go about CBT is to retrain a person’s negative thoughts into realistic and attainable goals such as completion of homework without becoming upset (Myers, 2013). The point of a therapy session is to teach the patient how to go about daily life and how to retrain your thinking along the way (Myers, 2013). For example, a person with bipolar disorder could be in a manic state struggling with keeping their composure. With CBT they could try to make a conscious effort to slow down their thinking and to take everything one step at a time (Myers, 2013). Even though it is difficult to retra in a brain to do this, it is extremely efficient because they are allowing themselves to change the course of their BP without the use of medications that wouldn’t allow the same in depth understanding (Myers, 2013). People often refer to BP as being a chemical imbalance in the brain which is true (Abrams, 2004). However, in order to treat the mania along with the depression using medications or CBT it is important to understand what causes the depressive and manic states (Abrams, 2004). When a person has depression many molecules in the brain are not bound to receptors which are normally activated by reuptake into the presynaptic nerve fibers (Abrams, 2004). Instead,
My Car Crash Crisis Free Essays
How could my dad and brother survive without gravy with our Sunday dinner? Unfortunately the store cupboard was sadly lacking in anything resembling â€Å"Bisto†, none the less myself and my little sister were strapped into the back of Mum’s car trying to find one of those little shops which my mum describes as â€Å"life savers†for the working mother where she could purchase some gravy granules and ensure that peace reigned at the Sunday dinner table. I should add at this stage my mother was heavily pregnant with my little brother. I personally had no objection to this little excursion as it gave me the opportunity to get some sweets. We will write a custom essay sample on My Car Crash Crisis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then again I was thinking I would probably get plenty of sweets at my friend Suzanne’s party which I was due to go to that afternoon. I was really looking forward to Suzanne’s party. All those different coloured balloons just waiting to be burst but little did I know that it was my â€Å"happiness balloon†which was about to be burst. Mum was driving along the road and was pulling into her little Filling Station lifesaver. As we pulled across I saw a brown jeep heading towards us but it didn’t seem to be slowing down. I was strapped in the back passenger seat and my little sister Kathy was in her baby seat I could hear my mum shout but I am not sure what she said. She tried to make it to the car park but even Michael Schumacher would have found it impossible. I remember vividly seeing the lady driver of the other vehicle. Her face was white and her mouth was open and her eyes filled with fear. That split second seemed to last forever and was only interrupted by the wailing screech of brakes. Time was once again frozen as my mind filled with questions-what would happen to my mum? -What would happen to my sister? -What would happen to me? All our lives were hanging on this frozen moment in time especially mine as the jeep was heading straight for the rear passenger door. The noise of metal striking erupted as pieces of the car door, the car pillar and a shower of glass made contact with my body. The front passenger seat came crashing backwards jamming my leg. Fortunately I was wearing my seatbelt otherwise I feel sure I would have gone either over my baby sister or straight through the window. I suddenly had a flash back of my brother and I driving along the road at the edge of a ravine where there was no fence at the edge of the road and I was frightened of our car falling down the steep mountainside into the valley below. My brother reassured me and told me that all I had to do was brace myself. I grabbed his cyber pet ad clung desperately to it. I could feel wet fluid rolling down my face and the screams of my little sister with her eyes scrunched up as she screeched uncontrollably. My mum was already out of the car at this stage and undoing our belts. I realised the fluid running down was in fact tears not blood. In the distance I could hear sirens blazing. As my mum continued to fumble with the seatbelts and try and extract my little sister and me from the car I saw a †¦ smiling policewoman looking in at me. She offered me her hand but when I got out I realised I had forgotten my brothers cyber pet so I broke free from the policewoman’s grasp and grabbed it. She then took me to the side of the pavement beside my mum and little sister and set us all on the adjoining wall. She reassured me that my mum, sister and I would all be okay. I began to shiver uncontrollably and my head started to spin and it was only then that I became aware of the gash on my leg. I just could not seem to get warm realising this a policeman came over and gave me his jacket whilst my mum phoned my dad and called him to the scene. I remember my mum crying, as she was concerned about my sister, her unborn child and myself. The lady in the other car was very supportive and friendly but I was so glad when dad arrived and took us home. My mum was very keen to take me to hospital to have me checked out but I could not bear to be taken anywhere strange or to be parted from my family. I just wanted the warmth comfort and protection of our own home. When we got home mum and dad cuddled us on the settee and gave us a warm blanket with cups of steaming hot chocolate thankfully our next door neighbour who is a GP came and tended to us. Thank goodness no one received any serious injury and my cuts and bruises soon healed. When I look back on the accident I feel very glad I had my seat belt on because otherwise my injuries would have been much worse and I am also glad my mum was driving a large heavy car which absorbed a lot of the impact but more than anything ever I realised something for the first time just how precious life is and that we should always try to enjoy each day. How to cite My Car Crash Crisis, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Arts Of Russia Essays - Russian Ballet, Symbolist Poets, Vesy
The Arts Of Russia Russian Art, Music and Literature The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in life. From dance and music to art the concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. Russia has been developing the its culture for as long as anybody could think. Nowadays, Russian painters and musicians are quickly becoming well known among each and every one around the world. It should be no surprise that the rich Russian culture is producing so much talent, and everyone around the world seems to enjoy it. Great artists such as Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky (music), Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov (literature), and Marc Chagall (art) have shared Russias culture with the rest of the world. Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky is mostly known for his great musicals. One of his greatest musicals The Nutcracker has been turned into an ice show in United States of America. Peggy Flaming, Nicole Bobek, Todd Eldredg, and Brian Orser along with others star in the beautiful and magical ice show. The Nutcracker is a story of a young girl (Clara) who receives a Nutcracker doll as a Christmas present from her Godfather (Drosselmeier), and with the help of a little magic, the doll comes to life in her dreams. Everybody, especially children, love to watch how these ice champions bring the Christmas story of the Nutcracker to life. The Swan Lake is also a very known production of Tchaikovsky. The well-known theme of the tragic Swan-Princess from Swan Lake seems to embody the intense, heartfelt, romanticized suffering which Tchaikovsky music gives voice to so often. Numerous people around the world listen to Tchaikovsky when they are either in a bad mood and want to relax or just to break away fr om the world and go to an imaginary world. In music competitions countless of musicians perform Symphony no. 6 in B minor to have a chance at winning the competition. Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov is a very known poet, novelist, playwright, translator, and essayist who pioneered Russian modernism. He first gained critical recognition when he published (with A.A. Lang) Russkie simvolisty (1894-95; Russian Symbolists), an anthology of original poems by Russian Symbolists as well as of translations from the French. This work was an important landmark in the Russian modernist movement, and Bryusov eventually became the recognized leader of Russian Symbolism when he assumed in 1904 the editorship of its leading critical journal, Vesy (The Scales). The most important of Bryusov's own ten volumes of original poetry published between 1895 and 1921 were Tertia vigilia (Third Vigil), Urbi et orbi (To the City and the World), and Stephanos. As a poet Bryusov displayed great technical skill and erudition in his mystical and eroticized treatments of history and mythology. Poets, all around the world, after reading his poems started to write in a more spiritual wa y. His highly ornate and cerebral poetry also evinces qualities of coldness, detachment, and artificiality. His prose fiction includes the novels Ognenny angel (The Fiery Angel) and Altar pobedy (Altar of Victory). Having broken with the Symbolist movement in 1910, Bryusov taught literature after the Russian Revolution and held teaching and publishing posts until his death. He is best remembered for his efforts as a translator, critic, and essayist to raise the stature of modern poetry in Russia. He influenced people such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. to pursue a modernist movement. Marc Chagall, one of many Russian born, great painters and designer. He is distinguished for his surrealistic inventiveness. Chagall distinctive use of color and form is derived partly from Russian expressionism and was influenced decisively by French cubism. Crystallizing his style early, as in Candles in the Dark, he later developed subtle variations. His numerous works represent characteristically vivid recollections of Russian-Jewish village scenes, as in I and the Village. His works have been displayed all over the world. A canvas completed in 1964 covers the ceiling of the Opera in Paris, and two large murals hang in the lobby of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. His works have influenced many of the
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free sample - Three Men views about the Second Coming of Christ. translation missing
Three Men views about the Second Coming of Christ. Three Men views about the Second Coming of ChristAmong a great variety of topics, religion and Bible are, probably, one of the most interesting one. It has always evoked numerous discussions and debates. The debates were connected with the Bible and its studies. The most vital topics, obviously, are Christ Resurrection and the second coming of Christ. There are quite many points of view for this issue. The main reason of debates is that Bible and its concepts are always interrelated with the scientific points of view. There is great distance between the concepts imposed by science and those brought by religion. In many aspects, they contradict each other or differ in the answers given to historical questions that man has tried to answer from the beginning of history. That is why, the question of the second coming of Christ is always so debatable. The establishment of scientific debate about the notion of Christ, His first and second comings started in the middle ages when the western world were exposed to translations of Greco-Arabic texts of scientific nature. The medieval Western world rediscovered Greek philosophy and ancient theories about the universe and life that gave their beliefs a new direction. It was also in that middle age period that the great universities of Europe were established and the natural science began to develop significantly. With the development of Theology and Philosophy, new ways of thinking and interpreting the Bible started to appear. People did not just blindly believe the holly writings but they were interpreting them, trying to read between lines, to decipher the codes they were redacted in and this gave new meanings to those writings. New questions appeared about the world and its origins and the search for explanations about all matters became more vivid than ever since the ancient times. There was always immense contradiction between people and religion. This brings the question of whether religion is a friend or an enemy of people. As we know, there are many points of view concerning the concept of the second coming of Christ. Numerous writers, supporters and opponents of holy Bible actively discussed this notion, examining different viewpoints. The present paper deals with the three view about the second coming Christ. The problem concerning the second coming of Christ is very significant question for the Church to move to grips with in this hour of its destiny. In the case if the Church is keep on supposing that Jesus is able to return at any time for an unperfected Church, then it will carry on in its spirit of indifference instead of receiving a vision for the magnificent church without spot or crumple spoken of in the fifth chapter of Ephesians (.McArthur and Pink, 2006, p. 16). The second coming of Christ is always confronted with the notion of rapture. The notion concerning the rapture is a part of the doctrine of the renaissance of the dead, which is one of the initial stones of the Christian belief; consequently it is very significant that the accepting of this doctrine be established in minds and hearts of people It is required before people go on to maturity. The first opinion deals directly with the statement that the second coming of Christ is connected with the Millennium. As we know from the Bible, 2000 was announced as a year of the Millennium and the second coming was the so-called preview of this millennium. They supposed that Christ came back before thousand years exactly. They did not find anything miraculous in the fact of Christ coming. Some of the preterists consider the second coming of Christ see as the "coming of the Son of Man in magnificence and glory" mainly fulfilled in Christ's death on the cross. They believe the apocalyptic signs are already fulfilled and thought that the second coming is the beginning of the end. â€Å"Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.†(Larkin, 2004, p. 24) One more point of view is the second coming is connected with the beginning of a new life on the Earth. They believed that Christ has appeared in order to set his supremacy on the Earth and teach people to live another life. They supposed Christ coming to be a new start of a life. Christ together with his apostles would be able to make the earth and life better and help to avoid millennium. Therefore, they considered His second coming as a key to salvation. The second coming of Christ is the blessed expectation of the church, the exciting climax of the gospel. Christ’s coming will be truthful, personal, visible, and universal. When Christ returns, the moral dead will be resurrected, and together with the virtuous living will be hyped and taken to heaven, the unrighteous will die. The almost absolute fulfillment of most lines of forecast with the present state of the world, demonstrates that Christ's coming is impending. The time of the event has not been exposed, and as a resu lt, people are encouraged to be always ready for this. Finally, according to the researches by Dake ( 2000, p. 23), protestants considered the second coming of Christ as the day when Jesus returns in order to judge the world and to set up the kingdom of God al over the world. They considered this day not as a salvation and deliverance from sins, sufferings and lie, but as the day of great justice, when everybody would be judged for his actions and punished. Therefore, according to this point of view, the second coming of Christ was the day of great judgment. They did not want to accept the way of living according to Christ and believed that it was only up to people to decide how to live and which laws to accept.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Event and Occasion
Event and Occasion Event and Occasion Event and Occasion By Maeve Maddox Karen writes: Wondering if you can do a post on the use of event and occasion are they interchangeable terms, or does one imply more significance than the other? To me, an occasion is more special than an event. The twins birthday is always a special occasion for the family. However, many speakers would use the word event in this example. The words are so close in meaning and have so many different applications that it is difficult to formulate a hard and fast distinction between them. Wikipedia lists 20 different senses for event: nine general meanings and eleven specialized meanings. Context is everything. The word event is common in writing about sports and entertainment. Fox and DirecTV hosting charity event for family of the late Will Flannery Apple announces special event for January 27 A rematch of top rivals Darrion Caldwell and Brent Metcalf is the Main Event of a seven-match card of wrestling bouts†¦ Conventions and conferences are events. Graduations and jazz festivals are events. Plain old parties are often called events. One distinction that can be drawn is that occasion carries the sense of a falling together of events to produce an opportunity for something. Let me take the occasion of this interview as the opportunity to question one of the received ideas about contemporary poetry. An event, on the other hand, is usually scheduled. Indeed, an event may be scheduled to celebrate an occasion: A conference will be held †¦ on the occasion of Richard Vargas 80th birthday The expression on occasion means from time to time: On occasion I have misspoken about my service and I regret that and I take full responsibility. An occasional poem is a poem written to celebrate a special occasion such as a coronation or a royal birthday. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Handy Expressions About Handsâ€Å"As Well As†Does Not Mean â€Å"And†Drama vs. Melodrama
Friday, February 14, 2020
Real Sex and Pornography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Real Sex and Pornography - Essay Example The decision of being social or anti-social as to the choice of sexually explicit materials is being guided by their lifetime experience as to what is acceptable and what is not. There were studies supporting the fact that viewing pornography and practicing internet sex has become addictive to majority of the population. Kimberly S. Young (2008) of The Center for Internet Addiction Recovery said that "Internet sex addiction typically involves viewing, downloading, and trading online pornography or engagement in adult fantasy role-play rooms". According to the author, adult web sites have become now the biggest segment of electronic commerce offering wide choices of sexual interests. Due to the readily available sexually explicit material online, internet sex addiction has become a major problem among users. Internet sex addiction is now being considered as a form of infidelity and has caused numerous family break-ups and marital problems (Millner, 2008). There were reported instances that an internet sex addicted husband prefer cybersex over real sex with their wives (Craine 2008). This paper aims to support the position that internet sex addiction should be avoided and the practice should be done devoid of emotional attachment. Causes of Internet Sex Addiction Young (2008) reported that Internet sex addiction start with discovery that sex sites do exist. 2 The author reported that normally, the new user discover the existence of such sites by accident. Due to the overwhelming number of internet sex sites, there will always be a chance that a surfer will discover its existence. Young reported that according to Internet Filter Review of Pornography Industry Statistics, There were about 4.2 million pornographic websites in existence today; the size of the industry is $57 billion worldwide and $12 billion of that is in the US. The daily hits on these websites total 372 million with additional 68 million pornographic search engine requests (Caroll et al, 2008). This represents about 25% of total search engine requests (Ropelato, 2006). For the first time user, surfing the internet with a press of a button is so exciting, much so if one accidentally press a button and enter a cybersex chat room. With complete unanimity through username and handle, one can rewind after a hard work or simply relieve stress and personal problems.The next phase according to Young is experimentation. Due to the fact that one can access the internet at the privacy of one's own room or office plus the convenience of being anonymous and without the danger of being recognized or the truth be divulged, one can effectively pose according to ones fantasy (Barak & Fisher, 2005). In short, all the inhibitions and shame that an action may result in real life can all be prevented under the internet scenario. It was for this reason that according to Young (2001), more than 60% of on line users developed sex addiction exclusively on the internet. The third stage of addiction development according to You
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15
Response paper - Essay Example She, therefore, brings about a difference in all the companies she works. In this aspect, she has been referred to as a go-getter as she usually feels reader for any opportunity that is presented before her. As the Levendary cafà © wishes to move its operation to China, it is important for her as the Chief Executive Officer to realize that China is a different country with a different culture than that of America. She does it well by studying the cafes that operate in china (Bartlett and Han). She should manage Louis Chen, who is the compatriot manager in China and the company’s subsidiary in China using the same framework. The only changes she should make is to incorporate the cultural foods that are popular in china and offer some management thoughts to the indigenous people. These changes will help subsidiary cafes to grow fast in China since they will feel Levendary becomes part of Chinese
Friday, January 24, 2020
Contrasting Places in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays
Contrasting Places in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God In the novel â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God†, by Zora Neale Hurston there were many contrasting places that were used to represent opposed forces or ideas that are central to the meaning of this work. In the novel, Eatonville and the Everglades were two contrasting places. Eatonville, Florida was a place where Janie experienced many things in life. Janie Crawford grew here where her grandmother raised her. Eatonville was also a place where Janie had no freedom or choices. For example, Janie was forced into adulthood and love. Eatonville was the place of hurts, and insecurities to her. Eatonville was where Janie tried to find herself. She lived there for a long time but still did not find what she was looking for. The Everglades, often referred to as the Mucks, was where Janie now knew who she was and what she was looking for in life. It is where she had true love unlike in Eatonville, Florida. Eatonville was a place of trials, hurts, and pains but the Everglades were where Janie knew who she was as a person. The Everglades and Eatonville both represent Janie in two different ways. In Eatonville Janie was uncertain of who she was. Eatonville represents unsure, love, hate, abuse, and trials. The Everglades represents love, joy, and prosperity. Janie was now seeing the person she was or is and living that life. Janie found herself in the Everglades. This was what she was trying to do throughout her entire life. She was searching although she came across stressing situations for her identity. In this novel the two contrasting places shows Janie as being loss and shows Janie as being found. This novel stands on that theme. Sometimes one would be loss but the problem comes in when they are never found. In Eatonville there was love of force but in the Everglades there was love of choice. Janie was able to find the bee pollinating the flower. â€Å"So this was marriage†. The contrasting places examine true love. Contrasting Places in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays Contrasting Places in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God In the novel â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God†, by Zora Neale Hurston there were many contrasting places that were used to represent opposed forces or ideas that are central to the meaning of this work. In the novel, Eatonville and the Everglades were two contrasting places. Eatonville, Florida was a place where Janie experienced many things in life. Janie Crawford grew here where her grandmother raised her. Eatonville was also a place where Janie had no freedom or choices. For example, Janie was forced into adulthood and love. Eatonville was the place of hurts, and insecurities to her. Eatonville was where Janie tried to find herself. She lived there for a long time but still did not find what she was looking for. The Everglades, often referred to as the Mucks, was where Janie now knew who she was and what she was looking for in life. It is where she had true love unlike in Eatonville, Florida. Eatonville was a place of trials, hurts, and pains but the Everglades were where Janie knew who she was as a person. The Everglades and Eatonville both represent Janie in two different ways. In Eatonville Janie was uncertain of who she was. Eatonville represents unsure, love, hate, abuse, and trials. The Everglades represents love, joy, and prosperity. Janie was now seeing the person she was or is and living that life. Janie found herself in the Everglades. This was what she was trying to do throughout her entire life. She was searching although she came across stressing situations for her identity. In this novel the two contrasting places shows Janie as being loss and shows Janie as being found. This novel stands on that theme. Sometimes one would be loss but the problem comes in when they are never found. In Eatonville there was love of force but in the Everglades there was love of choice. Janie was able to find the bee pollinating the flower. â€Å"So this was marriage†. The contrasting places examine true love.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
My Family, My Everything Essay
Family is the cement the mends my life, keeps me grounded, and allows me to be a part of something greater than myself. My family has always been very close, we always look forward to spending time together. We have mostly gotten along and supported each other. Not to say we never get mad at each other, like the time my sister took my car without asking and accidently wrecked it, we do always work things out. Though we have not always lived near each other, my family has remained close through; the â€Å"wonder years†growing up, family holidays, and supporting each other during good times and bad. My mom is an independent women who worked full-time, kept our family close, put dinner on the table and supported each of us any way she could. My mom did a spectacular job of raising us even though at times it was a struggle raising 3 children alone. Through the years of watching her as we grew into teenagers we gained our own independence around the house, at school and in our per sonal lives. The great example my mom set for us allowed us to become successful in our personal and professional lives by making good decisions, working hard towards our goals, and taking responsibility for our actions. Growing up was not always easy, because we moved around a lot which meant we always were attending a new school. Having to make new friends all of the time, we learned to find friendship in each other. Over 28 years ago my step father’s job transferred us to Southern Indiana. Distance could not keep us from each other, my mom and I talked to my sister and brother every week, if not every day keeping our family bond strong even with the miles between us. As the years went on the distance got easier, we would make the trip to Michigan often for holidays, special events. In 2009, my mom and daughter moved to Michigan and later that year I packed up my husband and 2 other children and moved backed to Michigan. I like being able to meet all my family for dinner at my mom’s house or go bowling on the spur of the moment or shopping with my sister or to the beach with my niece, without having to drive seven hours from home. The thing I like the best is when we are all get together sit around and tell stories from our past and remember the good times and share laughs. I look forward to this for many years to come. When a tragedy affects someone in our family we all jump in and help without being asked. Several months ago my sister-in-law was starting to have head aches and not feeling well and then it began to affect her vision and balance. At first, the Doctor thought it could be something really serious and she had to keep going back and forth to the hospital to have testing done. We all helped them out and have all taken her illness on as our own and plan to stand beside her and my brother and will continue to support them anyway they need. We do this for each other without having to ask or feel like a burden. Through good and bad and in tough hardships and the best of times, my family has always stood together. It does not matter whether I am in a bad mood or busy with my life, my family comes first and they know that. They know they can always count on me and I will be there whenever they need me. While some families might act like a bunch of strangers, my family; they are my everything.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
First Amendment Freedoms - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1287 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: First Amendment Essay Did you like this example? There are many important freedoms that are protected by the first amendment but in this essay were going to discuss my opinions on what are the 5 most important ones and why i think that. In my opinion i feel as though the most important freedoms are; freedom of speech, search and seizure, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the freedom of assembly/ petition. These are the ones that affect people the most. The ones that are used more often than most. They help keep people in check and help their problems peacefully. Freedom of the press is important because it allows news channels to keep us updated on the things that are happening in the world. This makes the public feel like there is less being hidden from the government. Also allows them to know the type of crime thats been happening near them or just in general. It can also help people with basic information such as the weather, car accidents and closings of roads, new businesses in the area or new products in the market, etc. every morning most people in the u.s wake up and turn on the news to know whats new with the day and whats going on in their area. People who are on their way to work listen to the radio to stay up to date on car crashes and closed roads on their route to work/school/anywhere. They also like to listen to music to wake them up or to help them get threw the dreadful moments of bumper to bumper traffic, helping people keep a cool head and not murder someone. Freedom of Search and seizures is also a very important freedom because it makes the citizens feel safe about being harrassed for no reason. People like their privacy and dont really like to be bothered or bugged about things that are gonna cause problems that arent needed. This part of the amendment makes it to where police need a warrant for your arrest or probable cause to search you. Now this is important because if you have nothing to hide then they will have no way to get probable cause or a warrant fo r your arrest, also meaning that you will keep calm and not act all suspicious. Some people just get nervous while being around cops because recently there has been a lot of police brutality videos going around, so getting pulled over and being nervous might make the police look harder for probable cause. This is where the importance comes from the amendment because being that they need probable cause, being nervous isnt probable cause so you can keep your privacy and not get searched for no reason. Although if you truly have nothing to hide i would just let them search you and do their job so you can not cause any unnecessary problems, then both you and the police can just go back to their day and continue their jobs. School however is a whole different story because they are looking out for the safety of the children in the school. When a school has a feeling that there might be a student with drugs/guns/bombs on school ground they take it very seriously because it puts other k ids and adults in danger. Thus why they dont need probable cause or a warrant to search threw your stuff. Especially your locker because the locker is considered school property giving them the right to search it at any time they feel the need to. This is good because there had been a lot of school shootings and bomb threats going on recently and has caused the schools around the country to be on guard more, upgrading security on school ground, more cameras, a security guard, some schools even have metal detectors now. Its making schools a safer place to be. There has been to many problems like this going on in schools across the u.s.Freedom of speech is key, communication is key as long as we can do it peacefully. This part of the amendment helps us as citizens be able to express our opinions about things without getting in trouble and feeling to controlled. It allows you to be able to have an open debate with your opinions. It makes you feel equal and feel like you have a say in things. it helps others understand everyones perspective in things because it gives them the chance to explain without it being controlled, unless your on tv or the radio because sometimes people say things that children should not hear and sometimes kids are watching channels that they shouldnt be. Then parents get mad when their kid learns a new bad word and tries to cause problems. Having the freedom to pick your religion and practice it without having to worry about getting in trouble for something that you believe is very important. We shouldnt all have to believe in the same thing just because someone tells us to. If you feel as though god isnt real and you believe that then you have the right to believe in that just as long as you dont go and force your religion upon others who dont agree. It also shouldnt make you judge a person for what they believe in because everyone is different and have different thoughts and feelings. You can practice things your people believe in as long as it does not harm another citizen. But just because you dont have the same beliefs as others doesnt exclude you from the laws that we have in america because they are set to make everyone equal and it a fair country. Last but not least is the freedom to have assembly and petition, this is important because if you and a group of people believe in something that is against the government it helps keep a peaceful system to making everyone happy. It helps people have a chance of getting something changed that a good portion of people disagree with, they make a petition and then send it to the government to have it looked over and taken into consideration to make people happy and to see in what ways the government can assist in making it it a better place with happier people. It doesnt even have to be for the government, it could be for something like a business not hiring women because they are sexist or something like that in general. If a large group of people are not ha ppy they can all meet up and have people stand in front of the building with signs and saying things to get people to not go into the building and use its services. As long as it remains peaceful meaning nobodys getting hurt physically. This might make the person who owns the company change the way they run it so they dont lose business because the people outside are making more and more people agree with their thoughts and opinions based on what the company is or isnt doing. These are the parts of the first amendment that i feel are most important. There are many more reasons as to why they are important. Their are so many more important parts to this amendment and more important amendments in general that help keep the u.s in check and keep it equa/fair for everyone. The government has set these in place for the constitution so that we can maintain an equal and strong nation and to make sure that peace is created between everyone.they do this to attempt to keep crime off the s treets and equality amongst everyone as a u.s citizen. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "First Amendment Freedoms" essay for you Create order
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