Friday, January 24, 2020
Contrasting Places in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays
Contrasting Places in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God In the novel â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God†, by Zora Neale Hurston there were many contrasting places that were used to represent opposed forces or ideas that are central to the meaning of this work. In the novel, Eatonville and the Everglades were two contrasting places. Eatonville, Florida was a place where Janie experienced many things in life. Janie Crawford grew here where her grandmother raised her. Eatonville was also a place where Janie had no freedom or choices. For example, Janie was forced into adulthood and love. Eatonville was the place of hurts, and insecurities to her. Eatonville was where Janie tried to find herself. She lived there for a long time but still did not find what she was looking for. The Everglades, often referred to as the Mucks, was where Janie now knew who she was and what she was looking for in life. It is where she had true love unlike in Eatonville, Florida. Eatonville was a place of trials, hurts, and pains but the Everglades were where Janie knew who she was as a person. The Everglades and Eatonville both represent Janie in two different ways. In Eatonville Janie was uncertain of who she was. Eatonville represents unsure, love, hate, abuse, and trials. The Everglades represents love, joy, and prosperity. Janie was now seeing the person she was or is and living that life. Janie found herself in the Everglades. This was what she was trying to do throughout her entire life. She was searching although she came across stressing situations for her identity. In this novel the two contrasting places shows Janie as being loss and shows Janie as being found. This novel stands on that theme. Sometimes one would be loss but the problem comes in when they are never found. In Eatonville there was love of force but in the Everglades there was love of choice. Janie was able to find the bee pollinating the flower. â€Å"So this was marriage†. The contrasting places examine true love. Contrasting Places in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays Contrasting Places in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God In the novel â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God†, by Zora Neale Hurston there were many contrasting places that were used to represent opposed forces or ideas that are central to the meaning of this work. In the novel, Eatonville and the Everglades were two contrasting places. Eatonville, Florida was a place where Janie experienced many things in life. Janie Crawford grew here where her grandmother raised her. Eatonville was also a place where Janie had no freedom or choices. For example, Janie was forced into adulthood and love. Eatonville was the place of hurts, and insecurities to her. Eatonville was where Janie tried to find herself. She lived there for a long time but still did not find what she was looking for. The Everglades, often referred to as the Mucks, was where Janie now knew who she was and what she was looking for in life. It is where she had true love unlike in Eatonville, Florida. Eatonville was a place of trials, hurts, and pains but the Everglades were where Janie knew who she was as a person. The Everglades and Eatonville both represent Janie in two different ways. In Eatonville Janie was uncertain of who she was. Eatonville represents unsure, love, hate, abuse, and trials. The Everglades represents love, joy, and prosperity. Janie was now seeing the person she was or is and living that life. Janie found herself in the Everglades. This was what she was trying to do throughout her entire life. She was searching although she came across stressing situations for her identity. In this novel the two contrasting places shows Janie as being loss and shows Janie as being found. This novel stands on that theme. Sometimes one would be loss but the problem comes in when they are never found. In Eatonville there was love of force but in the Everglades there was love of choice. Janie was able to find the bee pollinating the flower. â€Å"So this was marriage†. The contrasting places examine true love.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
My Family, My Everything Essay
Family is the cement the mends my life, keeps me grounded, and allows me to be a part of something greater than myself. My family has always been very close, we always look forward to spending time together. We have mostly gotten along and supported each other. Not to say we never get mad at each other, like the time my sister took my car without asking and accidently wrecked it, we do always work things out. Though we have not always lived near each other, my family has remained close through; the â€Å"wonder years†growing up, family holidays, and supporting each other during good times and bad. My mom is an independent women who worked full-time, kept our family close, put dinner on the table and supported each of us any way she could. My mom did a spectacular job of raising us even though at times it was a struggle raising 3 children alone. Through the years of watching her as we grew into teenagers we gained our own independence around the house, at school and in our per sonal lives. The great example my mom set for us allowed us to become successful in our personal and professional lives by making good decisions, working hard towards our goals, and taking responsibility for our actions. Growing up was not always easy, because we moved around a lot which meant we always were attending a new school. Having to make new friends all of the time, we learned to find friendship in each other. Over 28 years ago my step father’s job transferred us to Southern Indiana. Distance could not keep us from each other, my mom and I talked to my sister and brother every week, if not every day keeping our family bond strong even with the miles between us. As the years went on the distance got easier, we would make the trip to Michigan often for holidays, special events. In 2009, my mom and daughter moved to Michigan and later that year I packed up my husband and 2 other children and moved backed to Michigan. I like being able to meet all my family for dinner at my mom’s house or go bowling on the spur of the moment or shopping with my sister or to the beach with my niece, without having to drive seven hours from home. The thing I like the best is when we are all get together sit around and tell stories from our past and remember the good times and share laughs. I look forward to this for many years to come. When a tragedy affects someone in our family we all jump in and help without being asked. Several months ago my sister-in-law was starting to have head aches and not feeling well and then it began to affect her vision and balance. At first, the Doctor thought it could be something really serious and she had to keep going back and forth to the hospital to have testing done. We all helped them out and have all taken her illness on as our own and plan to stand beside her and my brother and will continue to support them anyway they need. We do this for each other without having to ask or feel like a burden. Through good and bad and in tough hardships and the best of times, my family has always stood together. It does not matter whether I am in a bad mood or busy with my life, my family comes first and they know that. They know they can always count on me and I will be there whenever they need me. While some families might act like a bunch of strangers, my family; they are my everything.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
First Amendment Freedoms - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1287 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: First Amendment Essay Did you like this example? There are many important freedoms that are protected by the first amendment but in this essay were going to discuss my opinions on what are the 5 most important ones and why i think that. In my opinion i feel as though the most important freedoms are; freedom of speech, search and seizure, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the freedom of assembly/ petition. These are the ones that affect people the most. The ones that are used more often than most. They help keep people in check and help their problems peacefully. Freedom of the press is important because it allows news channels to keep us updated on the things that are happening in the world. This makes the public feel like there is less being hidden from the government. Also allows them to know the type of crime thats been happening near them or just in general. It can also help people with basic information such as the weather, car accidents and closings of roads, new businesses in the area or new products in the market, etc. every morning most people in the u.s wake up and turn on the news to know whats new with the day and whats going on in their area. People who are on their way to work listen to the radio to stay up to date on car crashes and closed roads on their route to work/school/anywhere. They also like to listen to music to wake them up or to help them get threw the dreadful moments of bumper to bumper traffic, helping people keep a cool head and not murder someone. Freedom of Search and seizures is also a very important freedom because it makes the citizens feel safe about being harrassed for no reason. People like their privacy and dont really like to be bothered or bugged about things that are gonna cause problems that arent needed. This part of the amendment makes it to where police need a warrant for your arrest or probable cause to search you. Now this is important because if you have nothing to hide then they will have no way to get probable cause or a warrant fo r your arrest, also meaning that you will keep calm and not act all suspicious. Some people just get nervous while being around cops because recently there has been a lot of police brutality videos going around, so getting pulled over and being nervous might make the police look harder for probable cause. This is where the importance comes from the amendment because being that they need probable cause, being nervous isnt probable cause so you can keep your privacy and not get searched for no reason. Although if you truly have nothing to hide i would just let them search you and do their job so you can not cause any unnecessary problems, then both you and the police can just go back to their day and continue their jobs. School however is a whole different story because they are looking out for the safety of the children in the school. When a school has a feeling that there might be a student with drugs/guns/bombs on school ground they take it very seriously because it puts other k ids and adults in danger. Thus why they dont need probable cause or a warrant to search threw your stuff. Especially your locker because the locker is considered school property giving them the right to search it at any time they feel the need to. This is good because there had been a lot of school shootings and bomb threats going on recently and has caused the schools around the country to be on guard more, upgrading security on school ground, more cameras, a security guard, some schools even have metal detectors now. Its making schools a safer place to be. There has been to many problems like this going on in schools across the u.s.Freedom of speech is key, communication is key as long as we can do it peacefully. This part of the amendment helps us as citizens be able to express our opinions about things without getting in trouble and feeling to controlled. It allows you to be able to have an open debate with your opinions. It makes you feel equal and feel like you have a say in things. it helps others understand everyones perspective in things because it gives them the chance to explain without it being controlled, unless your on tv or the radio because sometimes people say things that children should not hear and sometimes kids are watching channels that they shouldnt be. Then parents get mad when their kid learns a new bad word and tries to cause problems. Having the freedom to pick your religion and practice it without having to worry about getting in trouble for something that you believe is very important. We shouldnt all have to believe in the same thing just because someone tells us to. If you feel as though god isnt real and you believe that then you have the right to believe in that just as long as you dont go and force your religion upon others who dont agree. It also shouldnt make you judge a person for what they believe in because everyone is different and have different thoughts and feelings. You can practice things your people believe in as long as it does not harm another citizen. But just because you dont have the same beliefs as others doesnt exclude you from the laws that we have in america because they are set to make everyone equal and it a fair country. Last but not least is the freedom to have assembly and petition, this is important because if you and a group of people believe in something that is against the government it helps keep a peaceful system to making everyone happy. It helps people have a chance of getting something changed that a good portion of people disagree with, they make a petition and then send it to the government to have it looked over and taken into consideration to make people happy and to see in what ways the government can assist in making it it a better place with happier people. It doesnt even have to be for the government, it could be for something like a business not hiring women because they are sexist or something like that in general. If a large group of people are not ha ppy they can all meet up and have people stand in front of the building with signs and saying things to get people to not go into the building and use its services. As long as it remains peaceful meaning nobodys getting hurt physically. This might make the person who owns the company change the way they run it so they dont lose business because the people outside are making more and more people agree with their thoughts and opinions based on what the company is or isnt doing. These are the parts of the first amendment that i feel are most important. There are many more reasons as to why they are important. Their are so many more important parts to this amendment and more important amendments in general that help keep the u.s in check and keep it equa/fair for everyone. The government has set these in place for the constitution so that we can maintain an equal and strong nation and to make sure that peace is created between everyone.they do this to attempt to keep crime off the s treets and equality amongst everyone as a u.s citizen. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "First Amendment Freedoms" essay for you Create order
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