Thursday, May 21, 2020
What is a Boarding School
Do you have questions about boarding schools? We have answers. Were tackling some of the most common boarding school FAQs and introducing you to this unique and often highly beneficial type of academic institution. What Is a Boarding School? In the most basic terms, a boarding school is a residential private school. The students actually live on campus in dormitories or resident houses with adults from the school (dorm parents, as they are typically called). The dormitories are supervised by these members of the schools staff, who are usually teachers or coaches, in addition to being dorm parents. Students at a boarding school take their meals in a dining hall. Room and board are included in a boarding school tuition. What Is Boarding School Like? As a rule, boarding school students follow a highly structured day in which classes, meals, athletics, study times, activities and free time are predetermined for them. Residence life is a unique component of the boarding school experience. Being away from home and learning to cope gives a child confidence and independence. In America, most boarding schools serve students in grades nine through twelve, the high school years. Some schools will even offer eighth grade or middle school years; these schools are typically referred to as junior boarding schools. Grades are sometimes called forms in many older, traditional boarding schools. Hence the terms Form I, Form II, etc. Students in Form 5 are known as Fifth Formers and so on. A little history lesson for you ... British boarding schools are the main inspiration and framework for the American boarding school system. The British boarding school tends to accept students at a much younger age than an American boarding school. It runs from primary grades through high school, whereas the American boarding school typically begins at 10th grade. Boarding schools offer an inclusive approach to education. Students learn, live, exercise and play together in a communal setting under adult supervision. Boarding school is a great schooling solution for many children. Explore the pros and cons carefully. Then make a considered decision. What Are the Benefits of Boarding School? I like the fact that a boarding school offers everything in one neat package: the academics, the athletics, the social life, and the 24/7 supervision. Thats a huge plus for busy parents, and boarding school is a great way to prepare students for the rigors and independence of college life. At a boarding school, parents wont have to worry as much about what your little darlings are getting into when you are not around. Best of all, your child will have very little time to be bored. Prepare for College Boarding school provides a stepping stone experience for college, by introducing students to life away from home, but in a more supportive environment than they might find at college. Dorm parents play a large role in student lives, reinforcing good behaviors and helping students develop life skills, like time management, work, and life balance, and staying healthy. An increase in independence and confidence are often reported in students who attend boarding school. Be Part of a Diverse and Global Community Students get a taste of world cultures at many boarding schools, thanks in large part to most boarding schools offering comprehensive international student populations. Where else are you going to live and learn with students from across the world? Learning how to speak a second language, understanding cultural differences, and getting new perspectives on global issues is a huge benefit to boarding school. Try Everything Getting involved in everything is another perk of boarding school. When you live at school, a whole world of opportunities ​is available. You can get involved in activities all week long, even at night, which means you have more time to try new things. More Individual Attention You even have greater access to teachers at boarding school. Since you literally live within walking distance of their apartments and houses, getting extra help can happen before school, in the dining hall during meals, and even at night during evening study hall. Gain Independence Boarding school is a great way for students to learn how to live alone, but do it in a supportive environment. They still have to adhere to strict schedules and rules for living, but in an environment where its the students responsibility to stay on top of everything. When a student falters, and most will at some point, the school is there to help correct and move forward with better decisions in the future. Improve Parent/Child Relationship Some parents even find that their relationships with their children improve, thanks to boarding school. Now, the parent becomes a confidant and an ally. The school, or rather the dorm parents, become the authority figures who ensure that homework is done, rooms are clean, and students go to bed on time. Discipline primarily falls to the school, too, holding students accountable for their actions. If your room isnt clean, what happens at home? A parent cant give detention for that, but a school can. That means, parents get to be the shoulder to cry on and ear to bend when a child complains about the unfairness of rules, meaning you dont have to be the bad guy all the time! Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Symptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder - 1953 Words
Bipolar disorder (BP) is a debilitating mental illness that is found in 2% of the population and that onsets in late adolescence and early adulthood (Fabbri et al., 2014). The causes and treatment of BP are not known however there are many biological and cognitive theories (Myers, 2013). The types of treatment include various medications and types of therapy such as cognitive behavior therapy (Abrams, 2004). The very important question that needs to be asked is whether cognitive behavior therapy is a more effective treatment for bipolar disorder than multiple types of medications. Bipolar disorder is characterized by the polar shift in mood from mania to depression in a set amount of time which can range from hours to months (Fabbri et†¦show more content†¦CBT is used to prevent relapse along with improving the entire course of the disease for the patients (Myers, 2013). The aim of CBT is to alter the way a person thinks as well as acts (Myers, 2013). A great way to go about CBT is to retrain a person’s negative thoughts into realistic and attainable goals such as completion of homework without becoming upset (Myers, 2013). The point of a therapy session is to teach the patient how to go about daily life and how to retrain your thinking along the way (Myers, 2013). For example, a person with bipolar disorder could be in a manic state struggling with keeping their composure. With CBT they could try to make a conscious effort to slow down their thinking and to take everything one step at a time (Myers, 2013). Even though it is difficult to retra in a brain to do this, it is extremely efficient because they are allowing themselves to change the course of their BP without the use of medications that wouldn’t allow the same in depth understanding (Myers, 2013). People often refer to BP as being a chemical imbalance in the brain which is true (Abrams, 2004). However, in order to treat the mania along with the depression using medications or CBT it is important to understand what causes the depressive and manic states (Abrams, 2004). When a person has depression many molecules in the brain are not bound to receptors which are normally activated by reuptake into the presynaptic nerve fibers (Abrams, 2004). Instead,
My Car Crash Crisis Free Essays
How could my dad and brother survive without gravy with our Sunday dinner? Unfortunately the store cupboard was sadly lacking in anything resembling â€Å"Bisto†, none the less myself and my little sister were strapped into the back of Mum’s car trying to find one of those little shops which my mum describes as â€Å"life savers†for the working mother where she could purchase some gravy granules and ensure that peace reigned at the Sunday dinner table. I should add at this stage my mother was heavily pregnant with my little brother. I personally had no objection to this little excursion as it gave me the opportunity to get some sweets. We will write a custom essay sample on My Car Crash Crisis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then again I was thinking I would probably get plenty of sweets at my friend Suzanne’s party which I was due to go to that afternoon. I was really looking forward to Suzanne’s party. All those different coloured balloons just waiting to be burst but little did I know that it was my â€Å"happiness balloon†which was about to be burst. Mum was driving along the road and was pulling into her little Filling Station lifesaver. As we pulled across I saw a brown jeep heading towards us but it didn’t seem to be slowing down. I was strapped in the back passenger seat and my little sister Kathy was in her baby seat I could hear my mum shout but I am not sure what she said. She tried to make it to the car park but even Michael Schumacher would have found it impossible. I remember vividly seeing the lady driver of the other vehicle. Her face was white and her mouth was open and her eyes filled with fear. That split second seemed to last forever and was only interrupted by the wailing screech of brakes. Time was once again frozen as my mind filled with questions-what would happen to my mum? -What would happen to my sister? -What would happen to me? All our lives were hanging on this frozen moment in time especially mine as the jeep was heading straight for the rear passenger door. The noise of metal striking erupted as pieces of the car door, the car pillar and a shower of glass made contact with my body. The front passenger seat came crashing backwards jamming my leg. Fortunately I was wearing my seatbelt otherwise I feel sure I would have gone either over my baby sister or straight through the window. I suddenly had a flash back of my brother and I driving along the road at the edge of a ravine where there was no fence at the edge of the road and I was frightened of our car falling down the steep mountainside into the valley below. My brother reassured me and told me that all I had to do was brace myself. I grabbed his cyber pet ad clung desperately to it. I could feel wet fluid rolling down my face and the screams of my little sister with her eyes scrunched up as she screeched uncontrollably. My mum was already out of the car at this stage and undoing our belts. I realised the fluid running down was in fact tears not blood. In the distance I could hear sirens blazing. As my mum continued to fumble with the seatbelts and try and extract my little sister and me from the car I saw a †¦ smiling policewoman looking in at me. She offered me her hand but when I got out I realised I had forgotten my brothers cyber pet so I broke free from the policewoman’s grasp and grabbed it. She then took me to the side of the pavement beside my mum and little sister and set us all on the adjoining wall. She reassured me that my mum, sister and I would all be okay. I began to shiver uncontrollably and my head started to spin and it was only then that I became aware of the gash on my leg. I just could not seem to get warm realising this a policeman came over and gave me his jacket whilst my mum phoned my dad and called him to the scene. I remember my mum crying, as she was concerned about my sister, her unborn child and myself. The lady in the other car was very supportive and friendly but I was so glad when dad arrived and took us home. My mum was very keen to take me to hospital to have me checked out but I could not bear to be taken anywhere strange or to be parted from my family. I just wanted the warmth comfort and protection of our own home. When we got home mum and dad cuddled us on the settee and gave us a warm blanket with cups of steaming hot chocolate thankfully our next door neighbour who is a GP came and tended to us. Thank goodness no one received any serious injury and my cuts and bruises soon healed. When I look back on the accident I feel very glad I had my seat belt on because otherwise my injuries would have been much worse and I am also glad my mum was driving a large heavy car which absorbed a lot of the impact but more than anything ever I realised something for the first time just how precious life is and that we should always try to enjoy each day. How to cite My Car Crash Crisis, Papers
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